Kitchen Remodel Checklist
Whether you’re cooking, entertaining or just hanging out, kitchens attract a crowd. Remodeling your kitchen is a great way to update the most popular room in the house. Remodeling also gives you an opportunity to make a return on your investment.
Use this kitchen remodel checklist to make a plan and a budget for your newly designed space.
A kitchen remodel can be as simple as a fresh coat of paint and new floors, with urban appeal or a complete transformation with new appliances, cabinets and more. Maybe custom cabinets is on your mind? Whichever you choose, a plan will help you avoid costly & surprising setbacks while keeping the project on time and on budget.While you’re planning your kitchen remodel, decide what bothers you about your current kitchen and how your new space will correct these flaws. Maybe you need more storage near the oven, or you’re tired of hearing the kids slamming the cabinets shut. (Look at soft-close hinges!)
Set a list of Priorities and Expectations
What’s your big-picture goal: Creating more space? Better design? Just new appliances?
When do you want the project to be finished? Whats your dream kitchen?
Plan ahead to drop into as many places that have showrooms of kitchens. The more things you see the more you'll be undated on trends and designs. Eventually you will set your own design.
Set a Budget
How much do you want to do: new appliances or more square footage, or just painted cabinets and a new fridge? Make the decision now before you start remodeling. Don’t forget budgeting for the little details, like the knobs on the new kitchen cabinets & dividers for new drawers.
Choose a Colour Palette or Design Style
Choose colours and materials that are cohesive with the design of the rest of the house.
Source your Materials, Appliances and Permits
Look into alternative, eco-friendly building materials and energy-efficient appliances.
Try and purchase as much as possible or at least know the specifics (like dimensions) of any appliance you’re installing.
Plan Logistics
Check shipping periods to make sure you can get all the materials in time.
Line up a contractor or, if you’re doing the work yourself, clear your schedule.
Will the remodel require enough tear-out that you’ll need to seal off other rooms from dust or noise? Where will you cook your meals and eat during the remodel?
Educate yourself on the building codes.
Anticipate Obstacles
Can you reuse the old hood vent pipe? Does the new oven use the same energy source? Will you need to reroute gas lines? Can the existing wiring be used?
Will the new oven or fridge fit through the doorways? Do you have space in the garage or home to store materials & appliances until they’re installed?
Create a Timeline
Make a list that follows a logical timeline: Don’t order or replace cabinets until you know the dimensions of new appliances.
Get Creative
Think outside the box for a unique look: repurposed floors, glass pane cabinets, chalkboard paint walls and more!

Cabinets $_____ Drywall and cement board $_____
Cabinet hardware $____ Sink $_____
Floor $_____ Appliances $_____
Faucet $_____ Cabinet knobs $_____
Backsplash $_____ Light fixtures $_____
Paint and primer $____ Exhaust fan $_____
Countertops $_____ Inspection/permit costs $____
Fixtures/furniture/decorations $_____
Total $_______
Since some of the items above require different installation adhesives or materials; speak to the employees at your local hardware store when purchasing some of the materials listed below:
Tile adhesive $_____ Drywall installation materials $_____
Caulk $_____ Ceiling texture $_____
Window and door trim $_____ Plumbing Fittings $_____
Total $_______
Total $_______
Soft-close hinges $____ Smart appliances $____
More space $____ Dimmer switches $____
High-end building materials $____ Touch on/off faucet $____
Kitchen island $____ Walk-in pantry $____
Trash compactor $____ Custom cabinets $____
Total $ _____
The information provided in these posts are for general purposes only. It is not written nor intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind. No one should act upon, refrain from acting, based solely upon the materials provided & recorded, or through any hypertext links and other general information, without first seeking appropriate legal and/or other professional advice.