A Step-by-Step Guide to a Contract of Purchase and Sale in B.C.

Purchasing or selling a property in Victortia, British Columbia (BC) involves various legal steps and documentation. One of the most critical documents in this process is the Contract of Purchase and Sale (CPS). Understanding this contract and the steps involved can help both buyers and sellers navigate the transaction smoothly and ensure all legal requirements are met. Here is a step-by-step guide to the Contract of Purchase and Sale in BC.

Step 1: Understanding the Contract of Purchase and Sale

The Contract of Purchase and Sale is a legally binding agreement between the buyer and the seller of a property. It outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the price, deposit, conditions, and closing date. This document ensures that both parties are clear on the expectations and obligations related to the transaction.

Step 2: Preparing to Draft the Contract

Before drafting the CPS, both parties should:

  1. Agree on Key Terms:
    • Purchase Price: Negotiate and agree on the purchase price of the property.
    • Deposit Amount: Determine the deposit amount, which is typically a percentage of the purchase price.
    • Completion Date: Set the date by which the sale will be finalized, and the property will be transferred to the buyer.
    • Possession Date: Decide when the buyer will take possession of the property, often the same day as completion or shortly after.
  2. Consult Professionals:
    • Real Estate Agent: Engage a real estate agent to help with the negotiation and drafting of the CPS.
    • Legal Advisor: Consider consulting a lawyer to review the contract and ensure it meets all legal requirements.

Step 3: Drafting the Contract

The real estate agent or legal advisor will usually draft the CPS. The contract should include the following key elements:
  1. Parties Involved: Full legal names of the buyer(s) and seller(s).
  2. Property Description: Legal description and civic address of the property.
  3. Purchase Price: Total purchase price and terms of payment.
  4. Deposit: Amount of deposit, when it will be paid, and to whom (usually held in trust by the real estate brokerage).
  5. Completion and Possession Dates: Specific dates for completion and possession.
  6. Conditions: Any conditions that must be satisfied before the sale is finalized (e.g., financing, home inspection, sale of the buyer’s current property).
  7. Inclusions and Exclusions: List of items included in the sale (e.g., appliances, fixtures) and any exclusions.
  8. Title and Title Search: Confirmation that the seller will provide clear title to the property and details of the title search process.
  9. Adjustments: Details of any adjustments to the purchase price for property taxes, utilities, or other expenses.
  10. Signatures: Signatures of all parties involved and the date of signing.

Step 4: Negotiating Terms and Conditions

After the initial draft, the CPS may go through several rounds of negotiation. Common points of negotiation include:
  1. Purchase Price: Buyers may offer less than the asking price, and sellers may counteroffer.
  2. Conditions: Conditions such as subject-to-financing, home inspection, or sale of the buyer’s property need to be agreed upon.
  3. Dates: Adjustments to the completion and possession dates to suit both parties.

Step 5: Signing the Contract

Once all terms and conditions are agreed upon, both parties sign the CPS. At this point, the contract becomes legally binding. The buyer will also provide the deposit as specified in the contract.

Step 6: Fulfilling Conditions

If the CPS includes conditions (also known as "subject clauses"), these must be satisfied within the agreed timeframe. Common conditions include:
  1. Financing: The buyer must secure mortgage financing.
  2. Home Inspection: The buyer arranges for a professional inspection of the property.
  3. Property Sale: The buyer sells their current home.

Step 7: Removing Conditions

Once conditions are met, the buyer formally removes the subject clauses by providing written notice to the seller. This step confirms the buyer’s commitment to proceed with the purchase.

Step 8: Preparing for Completion

Both parties prepare for the completion date by:
  1. Legal Documentation: Engaging a lawyer or notary to handle the transfer of title and registration with the Land Title and Survey Authority of BC.
  2. Adjustments: Calculating any necessary adjustments for property taxes, utilities, and other expenses.
  3. Final Walk-Through: The buyer may conduct a final walk-through of the property to ensure it is in the agreed condition.

Step 9: Completion and Possession

On the completion date:
  1. Transfer of Funds: The buyer’s lawyer or notary transfers the purchase funds to the seller.
  2. Title Transfer: The property title is transferred to the buyer, and the transaction is registered with the Land Title and Survey Authority.
  3. Possession: The buyer takes possession of the property as agreed in the CPS.


The Contract of Purchase and Sale is a critical document in the real estate transaction process in British Columbia. Understanding each step—from drafting and negotiating terms to fulfilling conditions and completing the sale—ensures that both buyers and sellers are well-prepared for a successful transaction. Engaging experienced real estate professionals and legal advisors can provide valuable guidance and help navigate the complexities of the CPS, ensuring a smooth and legally compliant process.