Understanding AGMs, SGMs, and Meeting Minutes in BC Strata Corporations 

Strata corporations in British Columbia are governed by the Strata Property Act, which mandates the holding of Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and, when necessary, Special General Meetings (SGMs). These meetings are crucial for the effective management and operation of the strata corporation. Here's a detailed look at the importance of these meetings, the differences between them, and what typically occurs during these gatherings.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Importance of AGMs

The AGM is a mandatory yearly meeting where the strata corporation's members (owners) gather to discuss and make decisions on significant issues affecting the strata property. The AGM ensures transparency, accountability, and active participation of all owners in the governance of the strata corporation.

What Happens During an AGM?

  1. Presentation of Reports: The strata council presents reports on various aspects of the strata’s operations over the past year. This includes financial statements, maintenance activities, and other relevant updates.
  2. Approval of Budget: One of the key agenda items is the approval of the annual budget. The proposed budget outlines anticipated operating expenses and contributions to the Contingency Reserve Fund (CRF). Owners vote to approve or amend the budget.
  3. Election of Strata Council: Owners elect the members of the strata council for the upcoming year. The strata council is responsible for the day-to-day management of the strata corporation.
  4. Voting on Resolutions: Any proposed changes to bylaws, significant expenditures, or other important matters are presented as resolutions. Owners discuss and vote on these resolutions.
  5. Discussion of Issues: Owners have the opportunity to raise and discuss any issues or concerns they have regarding the strata property.

Special General Meeting (SGM)

Importance of SGMs

SGMs are called to address urgent or significant matters that arise between AGMs. They allow the strata corporation to respond promptly to issues that require immediate attention or cannot wait until the next AGM.

What Happens During an SGM?

  1. Specific Agenda: SGMs focus on specific issues outlined in the meeting notice. This could include major repairs, unexpected expenses, changes to bylaws, or any other urgent matter.
  2. Voting on Resolutions: Similar to AGMs, resolutions are presented, discussed, and voted on by the owners. The outcomes of these votes determine the course of action for the specified issues.
  3. Emergency Decisions: SGMs provide a platform for making decisions that need immediate implementation to address critical situations.

Differences Between AGMs and SGMs

  • Frequency: AGMs are held once a year, while SGMs are called as needed to address specific issues.
  • Agenda: AGMs cover a broad range of topics, including annual reports, budget approval, and council elections. SGMs have a focused agenda centered on urgent or significant matters.
  • Planning: AGMs are scheduled annually and are anticipated by all owners. SGMs can be called at any time, provided proper notice is given, usually at least 14 days in advance.

Minutes of the Meeting

Importance of Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes are official records of the proceedings and decisions made during AGMs and SGMs. They ensure transparency and provide a documented history of the strata corporation’s governance and decision-making processes.

What Should Be Included in the Minutes?

  1. Date, Time, and Location: Basic details about when and where the meeting took place.
  2. Attendance: A list of attendees, including strata council members, owners, and any invited guests or professionals (e.g., property managers).
  3. Approval of Previous Minutes: Confirmation that the minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.
  4. Reports and Discussions: Summaries of reports presented and discussions held during the meeting.
  5. Resolutions and Voting Results: Details of resolutions presented, the voting process, and the outcomes of the votes.
  6. Decisions Made: Clear documentation of any decisions or actions agreed upon during the meeting.
  7. Adjournment: The time the meeting was adjourned.


AGMs and SGMs are vital components of the governance structure of BC strata corporations. They provide a formal mechanism for owners to participate in decision-making, ensure accountability, and maintain the property’s overall health and value. Meeting minutes serve as essential records, documenting the decisions and actions taken during these meetings. By understanding the roles and importance of AGMs, SGMs, and meeting minutes, strata owners can better engage in the governance of their communities and contribute to their successful management.


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